Hanoi (VNA) – A document providing temporary guidance to
monitor people entering Vietnam to ensure the dual goal of both preventing
the pandemic and developing the economy has been issued.
the (MoH)’s Document No 4995/BYT-DP, the guidance is
applicable to people entering Vietnam to work for more than 14 days, including
foreigners holding diplomatic passports, official passports, investors, highly
skilled workers, business managers, international students and foreign
relatives of Vietnamese citizens from countries where the pandemic is under
entry, immigrants must register with a quarantine centre and outline
their specific work schedule in Vietnam. They must also have a certificate
in English proving they had tested negative for SARS-CoV-2 from three to five
days before entry.
entry, immigrants must have their temperatures checked and undergo
tests to detect suspected cases of disease. When suspected cases are
detected, they must take prescribed management measures. In case rapid testing
is not available at the border gate, they must move to a registered
quarantine centre and ensure they follow safety regulations under the
guidance of the MoH.
they are in quarantine, the immigrants will undergo tests for
. If their first results are negative, they will be kept
in quarantine under medical supervision until their second tests. All
cases are to be tested for a second time on the sixth day from their date
of entry, or as soon as symptoms are suspected. If there is a positive test
result, the person will be immediately quarantined at a medical facility and
follow treatment according to the current regulations for COVID-19. People
who have close contact with confirmed patients must be quarantined for 14
the second test result is negative, they will be allowed to go home to
self-isolate for 14 days and take preventive measures following guidance
from the MoH.
the accommodation, immigrants must strictly implement measures for medical
supervision, pandemic prevention, avoid contact with the community and
immediately notify health authorities if they show symptoms of the
disease. They must also make a list of names and phone numbers of people
they come into close contact with until the end of the 14th day.
Local health authorities will perform medical surveillance according to regulations
and take samples for SARS-CoV-2 virus on the 14th day of entry or when there are
symptoms of the illness./.
Source: VietnamPlus