Hanoi (VNA) – The number
of cases has amounted to 212 after five more patients were confirmed as of 6am on April 1, according to the National Institute of Hygiene
and Epidemiology.
Case 208, a 38-year-old woman,
is an employee of the Truong Sinh Co. Ltd, which provides services for the
Hanoi-based .
Case 209 is a 55-year-old
woman living in Duc Giang ward of Hanoi’s Long Bien district. She is a cook at
the Petrolimex Hanoi. From March 18 to 24, she had close contact with Case 163 at the kitchen of this company.
Case 210, a 26-year-old
woman, returned from Thailand on March 20. Earlier, she had close contact with
Case 146.
Case 211, 23 years old, is a
female student returning from the US. She departed the US on March 19 and
transited Abu Dhabi (the United Arab Emirates) and Bangkok (Thailand) before
arriving in Hanoi on March 20.
Another patient, Case 212, is
a 35-year-old woman returning from Russia on March 27.
The 210th, 211th and 212th patients have been in quarantine since their arrival in
Source: VietnamPlus